You can download the files in zip format.
Insert the following line into your page:
<script src="jseyes.js"> </script>
Insert the following lines into your page (preferably into the header, but it works anywhere):
<script> var myeyes= new jseyes(); </script>
You can have more than one jseyes image on your page, differently named with different parameters and position.
You can accept the defaults or assign new values to these variables:
The main image (img), size (w, h), and onclick link (link).
<script> myeyes.main= { img:"jseyes.gif", w:150, h:150 }; ""; </script>
The eyes image (img), size (w, h), position (x, y), radius (xr, yr). Other images in the zip file: jseyegreen.gif, jseyebrown.gif, jseyegrey.gif, jseyeblack.gif, jseyerainbow.gif.
<script> myeyes.eye1= { img:"jseyeblue.gif", w:21, h:29, x:46, y:58, xr:7, yr:17 }; myeyes.eye2= { img:"jseyeblue.gif", w:21, h:29, x:46, y:58, xr:7, yr:17 }; </script>
Update rate in ms. Normally you do not have to modify it.
<script> myeyes.deltat= 40; </script>
Mouse trailing speed in percents (1..199). 180%=crazy, 100%=fast, 50%=nice, 10%=slow, 5%=sleepy.
<script> myeyes.follow= 100; </script>
Call the write() method where you want to see the image.
<script> myeyes.write(); </script>